Saturday 20 October 2012

Falling Down Non-Deigetic Sound Editing

This is the completed falling down foley sound design me (David), Jake and Toby completed as a group. We used final cut pro in editing the sound. We all did 30 seconds worth of sound editing on the video and I will be talking about the part I did. I was provided with sound clips already on the computer and had been shown how to use final cut pro to edit the sound. Toby had the task of writing down the timeline of various sounds that are in the original video, this helped as I knew when to include certain sounds on the video.

The timeline was very effective in helping me match the sounds to use in with camera shots, this made the sound more believable and realistic to the scene. There was also a lot of cutting on the sound clips so that they change simultaneously with a change in a camera shot. Also sounds going on for too long will bore the audience. The quick transition of sound clips creates mystery as through sound very little is revealed about the scene.

The Foley sounds we used were heavy breathing, the car engine, children playing, tuning of the radio, a wasp buzzing and the radio. The reason why these sounds were used is because they matched the various camera shots that are in the scene, this makes them seem more realistic. Also by using all these sounds the audience will try and link the sounds to each other to form some sort of relationship, but the sound clips are unrelated to each other and therefore create mystery and tension. Two things that are very iconic of a thriller film. 

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