Tuesday 20 November 2012

The Awakening Film Treatment

A non-linear 2 minute opening to a psychological thriller (The Awakening). The protagonist John Walters has killed an innocent bystander in his previous life as a robber, and is haunted by his mind and constantly paranoid. Due to his crime John does various things to cover up the crime and free his conscious of guilt. Antagonist Andy Jones is secretly spying on John as he witnessed the John's crime. The story is filled with suspense and mystery. Through shaky camera and canted angles, the protagonists unstable state of mind will be shown to the audience. The films two main characters are 23 and 26, and through their age they relate to the target audience of 18 - 30 year olds men. Through the two main characters (John Walters and Andy Jones) being 23 and 26, this allows the target audience to identify with them, along with the fact that they are men as well.

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