Friday 1 February 2013

Individual Rough Cut: "Mask"

This is my own individual edit of my group thriller film "Mask". I have cut a lot of scenes to create continuity and match on action. I think some colour grading in shots do not match other shots within the film opening. I would say the camera shots are all quite even and the MICRO elements are used effectively in conveying the film is that of a thriller genre. In comparison to other student films I analysed previously; the lighting, colour grading and use of editing to control pace and suspense are things I could improve on to get a high level 4. I believe right now the film is at a high level 3, I am yet to add music, foley sound and titles. I believe adding these elements can potentially boost it up to a high level 4. I have within my group decided the order of titles used, the decision that titles will be mixed within jobs involving production and post-production, and the last title being in my opinion the most important - the director.

1 comment:

  1. A3
    Correct the levelling of the camera using Motion - almost every shot in the London opening is drunk. Clear storytelling and continuity across shots. A couple of clunky bits during the end of the pursuit/introduction of David's character could use smoothing. Subtle Grading creates the appropriate Thriller look. Well done!
    To improve
    Need think about how you will cut around the gun in the street!
    Where will your titles go? What foley do you need?
